Friday, February 22, 2008

A Shiphrah Morning

Welcome to a typical morning at Shiphrah Birthing Home. Women begin to arrive for
the Childbirth and Motherhood classes sometimes as early as 7 am.

Shiphrah Home Ma
nager, Helen leads her "Cheeky Girls" exercise session. It wakes us all up...gets the blood flowing and best of all, brings smiles.

Each class is a response to questions the women have asked at the beginning of the course. In these pictures, you're seeing our class on Childbirth. In the skit, we're answering the questions that the women have asked earlier. I play the mother-in-law who is full of superstitious beliefs which reflect many of the women's questions. Helen is the pregnant mom, and midwives Lornie and Bhel play the parts of the midwife and the husband respectively.

Following the class we move inside. New women are interviewed, a practical welcome to Shiphrah during which we can begin our care and friendship.

For ladies who have prenatals scheduled, it's weights and measures time.

Natalie is a missionary studying to become a midwife. All of our midwives serve as instructors.
Dina is the teacher on this day.

Meriendas (snacks) are sold by some of our former "buntis" (pregnants)and friends. The fishball vendor push
es his "meals on wheels" up the hill every prenatal day. He does a brisk business.

Morning at Shiphrah. Mothers, babies, families.

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