Saturday, November 13, 2010

Our First Knitting Session

Our first gathering of hopeful knitters began with Darlene checking out "offices" to each of us. The  shoulder-bag offices contain yarn, knitting needles, a tape measure, crochet hook, scissors, and the like. With the distribution of the "offices", each gal was then duly registered. We were all beginners. Only one or two had ever held a knitting needle. 

We were an eclectic mixture. Midwives, missionaries, single moms from Shepherd's Home ministry across the street from Shiphrah Birthing Home. The beauty was that we were all on a level playing field. None of us had a clue as to what we were doing. There can be something helpful in corporate, if admitted, ignorance. 

Needles in hand with Darlene leading us through the beginning steps of casting on stitches, we were off and running! Well, off anyway. The running will come later. Darlene assures us that it will.
Sounds of "Grrrr" were heard along with lots and lots of laughter as stitches were ripped out again and again. As Darlene patiently coached every one of us, some measure of confidence began to rise...and then plunge as new steps were added to the knitting process. Did anyone think that this was going to be easy?

Perhaps one of the more lovely things to see as we worked, struggled together with our needles and yarn, was the
willingness of everyone to help everyone else. Advanced university degrees

mean nothing here.

We were off to a great start. Not only were stitches knit, it seemed that hearts were knit, too in ways that only a time together, each of us beginning from a place of zero expertise, all at the same place, could produce. 

If you would enjoy more pictures from that day, please visit our HELP International Ministries, Inc. Facebook page. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The roof at Shiphrah Bahay Paanakan has been in need of a serious overhaul for quite some time. The leaks have been repaired in many different ways, but nothing worked for long.

Thanks to friends Ken and Francoise Butt from UCM the old roof has been ripped off and the workmen are working hard to replace it with a new roof.

An the work goes on.

The sky window is gone: )

Thank you Ken and Francoise.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Jude teaching the children at the little children's home how to dance. Aubrey and Auden joining in.

Berndatte and Jude's daughter Polly moving to the beat.

Ate Rosemarie joins in with Jude to learn the moves. We are all having fun together.

Auden and Ate Susan paying close attention and following Jude closely.

Marching to the beat. Thank you Jude for a very fun time. We all look forward to your next visit.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Union Church of Manila Thursday for Others Group visiting Shiphrah Bahay Paanakan.

Heidi cuddles newborn baby boy. Candace is proud to have given birth to all three of her children at Shiphrah.

Jeri Gunderson explains the style of Adult Education used at Shiphrah Bahay Paanakan. We use skits, stories and active interaction with the pregnant moms that attend. The most important is the the questions of the moms are what we base our teaching on.

UCM team enjoy learning from Bhel Shiphrah Midwife during the childbirth seminar. They even got to watch a birthing skit.

UCM visitors smile at the little children home babies in the nursery. We are they lucky ones who get to see the three cute babies.

Baby Kate the youngest member of Thursday For Others team together with Mom Lindsey.

Jeri Gunderson says goodbye to the Union Church of Manila Thursday For Others team.

Thank you UCM!!!!