Saturday, December 27, 2008

HELP Staff Christmas Celebration 2008

December 20th. A
n exuberant staff gathered for our Annual Staff Christmas Party; an event eagerly anticipated for weeks in advance. Responsibility for the organizing and the hosting of the party rotates between the little children's home and Shiphrah Birthing Home. This year was Shiphrah's turn. This was another event that could not have happened if it had not been for wonderful help from many friends of the ministry. Our deep thank you to everyone who was part of this.

An amazing gift was a 50 kg. sack of rice for each of our staff. There is nothing so appreciated by our people, outside of their well-earned salaries, than rice! Truly!

We began at 1 and celebrated until after 6. There is nothing that folk here like to do more than celebrate, and celebrate we did. There was plenty of food, an incredible gift basket of juices, spaghetti, and other goodies, and games, games, games; most of them relay races.

A Sunday School class in
Australia had sent up beautiful decorations for the party. They were turned into a creative game, the construction of a Christmas wreath. Tables competed with one another for the most beautiful as well as individually for the best wreath. Darren performed the unfortunate task of having to judge the winners.They were all so good!

Good food and plenty of it is essential to the success of any party anywhere. By anyone's measure, this party was a success! A number of the staff had done the cooking, delicious chicken, hot and spicy Bicol

Express, supe
rb sinagang, and ice cream.

And then there were the raffles and gifts.

It was after dark when all the gifts were given, all the food eaten, and everyone ready to start the well-laden journey home. Thank you, ev
eryone who gave so generously so that our staff could have such a wonderful celebration! May God bless you all!

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