Monday, August 18, 2008

Some Teapot Teaching

Been awhile since we've posted. We said goodbye to our Camiguin Island midwife students about a month ago now, but would like to share with you some of the final teaching time we had. Years ago, we started calling our learning times together with all of us at Shiphrah, midwives and students "Teapot Teaching" because we always gather around the teapot. Or teapots.

This time, the Camiguin gals learned how to do infant resuscitation. We hope that they never need to use this new knowledge, but, just in case.....

They loved their time with us and really jumped into life at Shiphrah Birthing Home. Most of our teaching on nutrition was new to them, how to recognize and deal with excess bleeding, using prenatal exams to catch problems way before they become dangerous, our use of the birthing stool so the women can give birth sitting up if they choose and many other things.

They felt as though they had just begun to get a handle on so many of the new things they learned, when, suddenly their three months was over and it was time for them to return to their island home.They hope to return next year and learn more. We hope so, too!

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