Saturday, April 19, 2008


Rey Cunanan served as HELP Mission Driver for 11 years. He died from liver cancer on Thursday, April 17. He would have still been our driver had
he not lost a foo
t to diabetes.

He began his driving career driving the
family jeepney in Manila when fares were measured in centavos rathe
r than pesos. There was not an inch of the city he didn't know. When on an emergency transport, facing blocked traffic, he found open side streets and alleys that boggled the mind. The midwives trusted him implicitly and
knew when Rey was at the wheel, everything was going to be OK.

Rey was well-known to our tlc families. Speaking excellent English and comfortable with foreigners, he helped squire many a family to InterCountry Adoption Board, various Embassies, and on sightseeing trips around Antipolo and Manila. He had a wonderful way of welcoming people and making them feel at home. If he wasn't helping new families, driving birthing home transports, Rey was taking tlc kids to schools, to doctor appointments, to embassies for visas, to immunizations, and a whole host of other day-to-day
things that one does in the day of a life of a mission.

He loved both people and animals. He was the life of any party; screamingly funny, outrageously ribald on occasion. He graced one of the mission Christmas parties dolled up as a hip-swinging, belly undulating exotic dancer. Dennis introduced him as Miss Rizalia, or something crazy like that. Brought the house down. Give him a karaoke and he was set for the duration.

Rey's home was a veritable zoo. In the entrance was a huge fish tank,
sporting several varieties of very big fish. Hanging from the
trees were a number cages of birds. He had the usual
compliment of dogs and cats, but, also a couple

of most interesting chickens that were more dog than
chicken. They would toddle after Rey, waiting at the door
patiently until he came out of th
e house.

He had a special friendship with tlc washlady, Lucy. And, it was particularly Lucy that he asked to see in, what turned out to be his final moments. The photo of he and Lucy was the occasion of Lucy's 20th anniversary as a HELP mission worker. She is weeping as she has just looked at the artificial foot that Rey had as a result of the amputation. They were dear friends.

Rey is survived by his wife of many, many years, Gennie, three daughters, two sons, and several grandchildren as well as siblings.

Even after he retired, Rey stayed in touch with the mission. We were always guests at his birthday parties, his children's and grandchildren's birthdays and baptisms.

We will miss you, Rey. Neither heaven nor earth will be quite the same.

1 comment:

Stephanie Leupp said...

Rey was such a blessing to me. Heaven is so much richer!