Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Sheila Mae - a letter from Deborah

Dear Friends,

This Monday morning, Nov 12, 2007 a miracle happened.
Sheila Mae met her mom and dad for the first time.
A family was born. For the Gustafson family there was an
added part of the miracle. This is the first time that such
a miracle has happened in our own home.

Sheila Mae was in foster care for the last 3 months due
to a security reason.These last three weeks she was with
our family. Aubrey our six yr old was so happy because now
we had another girl in the family. He told me that now we
just need one more girl to make it even 3 boys 3 girls. He
did understand that Sheila Mae was not to stay with us but
it still was an exciting time. So Monday morning Sheila Mae
took her last nap in our home and woke to see her mom and
dad on the bed gazing at their beautiful daughter the best
gift life can ever give.

Please keep them in your prayers as they are getting to know
one another.


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